Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend! We hope you get to spend it with someone you love, or doing something you love. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for people to tell somebody that they love them in a romantic way. February 14, the name day of two saints, St Valentine of Rome and St Valentine of Terni. […]
HOUSE LIFT Are you are considering a house extension or maybe to raise your house and put in a new floor. Raising your home can allow you to increase the height of your basement ceiling or create a new full basement from a crawl space. These and other methods could be the most cost effective ways […]
Health problems All types of asbestos fibers are known to cause serious health hazards in humans. While it is agreed that amosite and crocidolite are the most hazardous asbestos fiber types, chrysotile asbestos has produced tumors in animals and is a recognized cause of asbestosis and malignant mesothelioma in humans. Mesotheliomas have been observed in […]